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The Side Hustle with Chelsea and Sarah

Production by XGDFalcon®

Jan 26, 2023

Chelsea and Sarah chat with magician and all around great guy, Vinny Grosso about walking on glass, the upcoming Foolers Tour and of course, his weird and wacky side hustle!

Jan 19, 2023

Chelsea and Sarah talk with the hilarious and talented Wayne Wilson about waxing for comedy, dancing nude for Dragone and of course his weird wacky and wonderful side hustle!

Jan 12, 2023

Get ready to fall in love. Chelsea and Sarah chat with 2 time world champion beatboxer Kaila Mullady about Freestyle Love Supreme, busking in her middle school cafeteria and of course, her weird wacky, wonderful side hustle!


Jan 5, 2023

Chelsea and Sarah talk to the incredible actor/film maker/dreamboat Mat Hayes about writing LVE into existence, the important outreach of his podcast and of course….his favorite weird wacky side...