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The Side Hustle with Chelsea and Sarah

Production by XGDFalcon®

Apr 29, 2021

Chelsea and Sarah chat to the oh so handsome Ryan Pires about his incredible career, coffee and getting stopped at the Canadian border. 

Apr 22, 2021

Join the girls for a special live episode as they chat to the hilarious Kurt Braunohler about his incredible career, monkey dicks and breastfeeding.



Apr 15, 2021

A very hosty and toasty episode with Chelsea and Sarah chattin bout fresh beats, patient zero and Chelsea's big commercial!

Apr 8, 2021

Even though Matt Donnelly is a touring comedian/magician, comedy writer & consultant for Penn & Teller, Speigelworld, it’s Chelsea and Sarah who noodle Matt’s mind and find a love of pointy toe shoes, a beaver DJ and a really big girl. 

Apr 1, 2021

It’s The Side Hustle’s infamous British husband! Chelsea and Sarah have a spot of tea whilst chatting with America’s favorite citizen Steve Reid.